How Much Should You Spend On Web Hosting

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Written By Amrit Singh

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Choosing web hosting is a crucial decision that you have to make before bringing your business online. A web host stores your website’s data and presents it when a visitor arrives at your domain. It’s more similar to a house in which you keep all of your belongings. Except a web host can also provide 24x customer support and email services. 

However, you will get shocked to see the number of options available. It becomes challenging to choose a hosting web service for someone who is a beginner. Besides, web hosting has different types, and each comes with various features and hosting plans.  

As a beginner, it all will look identical to you. But, how would you know the amount you should spend on web hosting? It generally depends on the website you want to build. Thus, let’s analyze how much you should invest in a website depending on the functionality and size. 

New & Small Websites

So, you are just a beginner, or you need a website for your blog. It means you will not have much traffic. For this, you won’t need a highly optimum server with an efficient up-time score. All you need is a hosting service to store your data and display it when someone wants to see it.

What More A Small Website Requires From Web Hosts?

  1. A customizable theme.
  2. Secure Hosting Platform
  3. 24×7 Customer Support

Choosing costly VPS or Dedicated hosting is not viable for small websites because they are not suitable for your needs. Instead, shared hosting is a better option for you. Therefore, for building a small website, you should not spend more than $2 in the beginning. However, you can anytime escalate your hosting plans as your server capacity needs rise.

Continuous Growing Websites

You have used the shared hosting, but now your website’s traffic is increasing. It means that you need to change from your old shared web hosting to something private. You need to have control and total freedom over your server and website’s backend, along with efficient data storing features.

Thus, when your website grows steadily, you must invest in VPS hosting services. It will cover up most of your website needs along with enhancing the up-speed time of your server. You must invest more than $30 for your growing website on VPS hosting plans. 

Professional Websites

When you started gaining loads of traffic on your website, VPS and shared hosting will not provide you optimum results. Instead, you will get to face problems like websites getting down or hijacked. At this phase, when you are earning much business from your website, it’s time to give more back to it. You need a dedicated server that only stores the data for your website and provides you highly efficient services.

Therefore, you should spend over $30 per month on your website, depending on the features you need. It’s because the more you will throw in the fire, the higher the flames will get.

Websites with Highly Availability

Do you have a service or a website that has to stay available 24/7 for visitors? If you are into such kind of business. It means that you should not get a traditional or even a dedicated hosting service because they have performance issues. Instead, you should invest your money in a cloud hosting service that stores your website’s data on different servers. Cloud hosting has interconnected servers. It means that your visitor will never miss a day without accessing your website.

If you have these website needs, you should spend more than $30 on your web hosting to get a cloud host. Since you will get charged for what you use in cloud hosting, this cost can also rise to more than $80. However, it would ensure that you stay competitive in your business and earn money to keep your website running smoothly. 

Final Conclusion:

Every website has different needs, and there are various hosting plans to cater to them. It, in the end, depends on what service you are looking for; the more you want, the higher you will have to spend on web hosting. However, keeping the website needs and web hosting intact means giving 100% to your business, which will grow. 


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