6 Internet Marketing Tips For Beginners For Growing Your Business

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Written By Amrit Singh

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Internet Marketing is now a day is the best platform to get more exposure to your business, people are more socially engaged online and search for relevant things on Search Engines. Internet marketers these days make many mistakes when it comes to bringing their product or article on top of web-searches.

We have 6 Internet marketing tips for beginners which you can follow and implement on your website or blog that will help you grow your business and get more exposure. We are going to discuss the 6 internet marketing tips in detail that may help you get knowledge on how the search engine giant Google lets you rank on top of others.

6 Internet Marketing Tips For Beginners

Follow these tips if you have just started your business, you can even follow them if you have an established website or a blog. These internet marketing tips will help bring your establishment on top of other searches and maintain the market standard.

1. Make Your Website Mobile Friendly

The first and foremost thing to follow while working on digital marketing is making your website mobile friendly. Gone are those days when people used to sit on a chair in front of a computer, now a day people are mostly having smartphones and tablets which are convenient to carry and search easily on them. We should build and optimize our website load very fast that lets the users stay on your website and explore it. Remember, you won’t visit a website that takes ages to load, you lose your patience and leave that website and search for an alternative. The same thing goes for other users as well, if you want your business to grow then the first thing is to make your website mobile friendly.

mobile internet

You can hire a professional who can optimize your website and make it mobile friendly or you can do it yourself by visiting PageSpeed Insights by Google, Gtmetrix or Pingdom and analyze your website loading time and speed. They will give you a report at the end which hardly takes 30-60 seconds and you can check the errors which you can rectify yourself if you have knowledge.

2. Link Building To Authentic Websites

Link Building is a way to get more approach and relevancy when Google start screening your website. In simple term Link Building is a way to get back a link to your website on a different website. This helps in letting the search engine know that you are trusted and not just like some spammy websites.

link building

You can get backlinks from other websites by doing guest posts(many websites offer you to post an article and get a link back to your website), you can leave comments on websites or blogs that allow commenting on their portal, you can check Moz on how to build backlinks for beginners. There are many ways to building backlinks to your website but make sure that you create the backlinks from relevant sites only that match your niche but do remember to see if the domain isn’t penalized by Google. Do not ever spam your website URL on other websites, the authentic websites here mean linking to websites that have high authority and relevant to your website category.

3. Minimize Crispy In-Depth Content

The first question arises in your mind is “What is crispy in-depth content”?

Well according to Google, when a user is searching for an answer on Google for “an individual or an organization name, or any other broad topic”. The main motto is to show a high-quality and detailed information to the user about the subject.

internet marketing tips

What Should you need to have?

  1. Relevant Content: Always remember to stick to the keyword of your article. Do not go out of the context, if you are writing an article on “wedding ceremony” then write on wedding pictures, wedding rituals, wedding decoration etc.
  2. Images: You should have at least a single image on your article which should be indexable by the search engine because this shows on your snippet in the search results.
  3. Content must be Crawlable: Make sure everything is crawlable on your article by Search Engine Spiders.

4. Avoid Black Hat SEO

You must be knowing that there are shortcuts to everything and ranking on Google or any search engine is easy too, through the method of black hat SEO which is considered to be illegal by Google and it results to getting penalized. Many bloggers list some black hat SEO methods under internet marketing tips such as getting “paid backlinks”, “spam comments”, “article spinning”, “keyword stuffing”.

blackhat method

At any cost try to avoid these methods and stick the natural way of getting ranked, always remember “the slow and steady wins the race”. You might rank on Google on top quickly but you will stay for a short period of time until Google comes to know about your illegal method and ban your URL from its search engine.

5. Choose Social Media Sites Wisely

People are mostly on social media and this is the best way to reach them out. Make sure you select the right platform and focus on them thoroughly. Suppose you have a product to sell then you reach your customers through Facebook or Instagram.

social media

You must put your effort on these social media giants where there are vast users and you can grab their attention quickly. Remember if you are selling a product of “cosmetics” then boosting it on Twitter won’t bring any engagement or sale, instead of that, you can post an ad on Facebook which you can boost and get a good end result.

6. You Must Make Your Business Locally Visible

The best thing to bring your business to people’s notice is to make it visible locally.

google business listing

  1. List your business on Google Business Listings
  2. Develop business relationship reporters
  3. Contribute to local business publishers through guest posting
  4. Create healthy relationships with your customers(word-to-mouth customers)
  5. Collaborate with local bloggers
  6. Launch events or offers to your customers weekly or monthly

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